About Me

Machine Learning Engineer @Samespace | Generative AI, LLM, MLOps, Language Modeling

  • ML Engineer with 2+ years of experience in building and deploying ML, LLMs and Transformer Models.
  • Proven ability to optimize model performance and scale to large datasets.
  • Expertise in cloud computing and MLOps.

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I build CI/CD pipelines, Docker Containers and use cloud platforms like GCP and AWS for automated model updation and deployment.

Generative AI

I utilize Gen AI to build products like chatbot and voicebot to address customer queries.


I am passionate about learning new innovations and contributing to the field of ML and AI.

Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science

University of Mumbai

2018 - 2022

⚡ I completed by bachelors with the CGPA of 9.33/10.

⚡ I have studied basic software engineering subjects like DS, Algorithms, DBMS, OS, CA, AI etc.

⚡ Apart from this, I have done few courses on Deep Learning, Data Science, Machine Learning and Python.

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Deep Learning A-Z™: Hands-On Artificial Neural Networks

Mar - 2021

⚡ Understood the working and implementation Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN), Self-Organizing Maps, Boltzmann Machines, and AutoEncoders

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Neural Networks and Deep Learning

Dec - 2020

⚡ Built and trained deep neural networks, identified key architecture parameters, implemented vectorized neural networks and deep learning to applications.

⚡ Learned about train test sets, analyzed variance for DL applications, used standard techniques and implemented optimization algorithms, and built neural networks in TensorFlow.

⚡ Built a CNN and used it in detection and recognition tasks, used neural style transfer to generate art, and applied algorithms to image and video data.

⚡ Built and trained RNNs, worked with NLP and Word Embeddings, and used HuggingFace tokenizers and transformer models to perform NER and Question Answering.

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The Data Science Course 2020: Complete Data Science Bootcamp

Nov - 2020

⚡ Understood the working and implementation Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN), Self-Organizing Maps, Boltzmann Machines, and AutoEncoders

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Master Python Programming: The Complete Python Bootcamp 2020

Apr - 2020

⚡ Understood the working and implementation Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN), Self-Organizing Maps, Boltzmann Machines, and AutoEncoders

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Tools for Data Science

Jan - 2020

⚡ Covered the languages, tools, and data used by data scientists, including IBM tools focused on data science.

⚡ Demonstrated working knowledge of Jupyter notebooks and RStudio and utilized their various features.

⚡ Created and manage source code for data science in GitHub.

⚡ Learned how IBM Watson Studio and other IBM data science tools can be used by data scientists.                                                              

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What is Data Science?

Dec - 2019

⚡ Understood the basics of Data Science and Machine Learning                                                                                                                                                   

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Python Data Structures

Dec - 2019

⚡ Understood the basics of Python and data structures.                                                                                                                                          

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PdfChat: Chat with Any PDF

PDFChat is developed by leveraging LLM to answer any question about the given pdf.

Abstractive Text Summarizer

Generate grammatically correct and insightful summaries for a given article.

Data Science Portfolio

Data science projects completed by me for academic, and self-learning.

Analyze Diaster Tweets

Built a model capable to filter disaster tweet using NLP.

Automatic Door Unlock System

ADUS uses real-time facial recognition to detect a person's face.


Developed a platform where one can learn and implement data science in a friendly way.

Stock Screener

Screens five years of historical data of any stock and stores it's in respective CSV format.

Encrypted Data Transfer

Wireless Encrypted transfer of transfer text, files and images between two devices.

Disk Scheduling Algorithms

Implemented various disk scheduling algorithms in c.
More Projects


Versioning and Configurations


Resource Management

Optimization and Monitoring



Software Engineering




SE and Compute Tools

Generative AI



A Study of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN)

Dec 7, 2020

Artificial neural networks (ANNs), usually called neural networks (NNs), are computing systems which are inspired by the biological neural networks that constitute human brains.

Regularization Techniques in Machine Learning

Apr 20, 2021

Regularization helps to overcome overfitting while developing machine learning models. These techniques intend to reduce the risk of overfitting without increasing the bias significantly.

Understanding Logistic Regression

Apr 23, 2021

Logistic regression is a method of classification in which the model outputs the probability of a categorical target variable Y belonging to a certain class.

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